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Who Should Consider Scleral Lenses for Dry Eye? Signs You May Be a Candidate

A young adult at their computer, rubbing their eyes in discomfort due to their dry eye discomfort.

Dry eyes aren’t just irritating—they often get in the way of your everyday life. Many people find themselves living with a constant stinging, dry, burning sensation that won’t go away. But what if finding relief is easier than you think?
Scleral contact lenses are an excellent way to treat dry eyes. These oversized contact lenses arch over the cornea and trap a small amount of tears against the surface of your eyes. If you’re living with dry eyes, talk to your optometrist about scleral lenses—they can make a significant difference!

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What Are the Benefits of Daily Contact Lenses?

A close-up image of a woman taking a daily disposable contact lens out of its package.

Traditional contact lens care and maintenance can be a hassle. Daily disposable contact lenses can provide several advantages that simplify their care and use. The benefits of daily contact lenses range from health benefits like reduced chance of infection, to convenience benefits in terms of care and travel, to economic benefits like overall savings. Whether […]

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Why You Need Properly Fitted Glasses

A businessman wearing glasses smiles while on the phone and using a laptop while in a brightly lit office space

Finding the right pair of glasses can be an exciting adventure, with all the options available for frame styles and types of lenses. Beyond style and comfort, making sure that your glasses fit properly is crucial for your eye health and overall well-being. Improperly fitting eyeglasses can cause vision problems, eye strain, and irritation.  What […]

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