Using a microfibre cloth, lens cleaner, soap, and warm water, you can safely clean your lenses and help preserve their longevity. […]
What Keratoconus Treatment Methods Are Available?
The good news is that several treatment methods are currently available to help control the progression of keratoconus and provide clear vision. Depending on your symptoms, your optometrist may recommend eyeglasses, contact lenses, corneal cross-linking, or a corneal transplant as a keratoconus treatment method. […]
Are Carrots Good For Your Eyes? Nutrition Tips for Healthier Eyes
They aren’t some magical cure-all, but carrots are rich in antioxidants that can keep your eyes healthy and vitamin A for night vision. […]
Can Dry Eyes Cause Blurriness?
One possible culprit could be dry eyes. Dry eyes occur when your eyes don’t produce enough tears, or when the tears evaporate too quickly. […]
How Often Should You Get an Eye Exam?
Many people do not often go for regular eye exams. Depending on your age, your eye exam frequency can vary. For adults between 19 to 60, it is essential to have regularly scheduled eye exams every two years, even if there are no serious concerns. Depending on your age and the condition of your eyes, […]
Can You Use Eye Drops With Contacts?
Going from wearing eyeglasses all the time to using contact lenses instead is a massive quality of life improvement for many people. Unfortunately, if someone is prone to dry eye syndrome, wearing contacts can aggravate these symptoms. If dry eyes are a common problem you have, hope is not lost. There are a couple of […]
How Should Glasses Fit?
Your glasses provide you with clear vision every time you wear them. If you’re wearing your glasses daily, they should fit comfortably on your ears and nose. Your optometrist and optician can help fit your glasses, but how do you know if they fit well? Continue reading to learn more about your glasses, including how […]
Do Contact Lenses Expire?
Whether you have traditional or specialty contact lenses, caring for them is essential for your eye health. Removing, cleaning, and replacing your contact lenses when needed can help prevent potential problems. With the maintenance contacts need, do they ever expire? Continue reading to learn more about contact lenses, including if they expire and how you […]
What Happens If You Don’t Treat Dry Eyes?
Dry eyes are a fairly common condition that can cause pain and even vision loss. To reduce friction and keep vision sharp, the eye constantly produces tears. Some people, however, are unable to produce tears normally, or their tears evaporate too quickly. When this happens, it can result in pain and vision problems. Chronic dry […]
Why Do I Wake Up with Dry Eyes?
Dry eyes are irritating and uncomfortable. This is a common issue among people of all ages. Learn more about how you can get relief from dry eyes. […]